GLUE Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes to do the following:
(a) Foster, encourage and promote the educational, scientific, literary, and charitable activities that satisfy the element of a global benefit;
(b) Promote philanthropy in support of developing global citizens;
(c) Provide support to citizens at various institutions; national and international for the benefit of the global community with the principal goal being the respect and maintaining of a healthy Globe;
(d) Engage in and carry on any other activity in any manner connected with or incidental to, or calculated to promote, assist, aid or accomplish any of the aforesaid purposes.
Planned future-activities:
1.Establishing a network of educators and students across the globe
2.Through the established network various activities will be performed with the goal of civic engagement for purpose of serving the people of this globe.
3.The process will include the encouragement of pay-forward and the multiplier factor.
4.Based on the above the Corporation will provide financial support for students’ exchange, workshops as part of the civic engagement to serve and protect the environment and underserved members of the globe at large.
5. The Corporation will encourage the exhibition and sharing of artistic talents across the countries of the Globe.
6. The Corporation will fund projects in all fields; sciences, arts, social sciences, engineering, performance art, painting, sculpting and any other cultural activities. Especially from under represented groups. Thus encouraging participation of women, persons with special needs, and encourage all artistic talents.
7. Any other educational exercises or activities that would benefit people of the USA and counterparts in other countries of the globe. Transfer and sharing of knowledge will be given priority when in support of protecting the environment and also providing a healthy environment for all the people.
8. A long term plan for the Corporation to reach a stage of establishing a mechanism by which certain members of the community of the globe will be granted a Global passport in recognition for the person’s civic engagement and service to mother Earth.
9.Develop and implement an integrated marketing plan that communicates a clear and consistent universal identity to all National and International constituencies with the objective of advancing the community toward a global strategic vision and communicating the story of building a global citizen to the world
10.The Corporation will take the lead on, design, and production of all publications, web properties, social media initiatives, advertising, and media relations to authentically reflect the key brand attributes of the global identity and civic engagement of the global citizen
11.The Corporation will collaborate and network institutions in California and the USA as a whole with the various partner organizations and academic institutions in Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Australia, Canada, and Latin America. This will be conducted based on the qualifications of applicants and the fields that will be likely to improve the job market and/or services to the community and the environment. Feasibility studies for new programs, the design and implementation of short-, medium-, and long-term strategies and annual marketing plans and budgets that result in sustainable success for each new program launched.
12.Maintain a strong connection to professional organizations within higher education and consumer marketing to develop expertise on emerging trends and best practices with mainstreaming of environmental/civic issues into all fields of higher education.
13. Inclusion of the global citizen criteria into every workplace in every nation of the globe.
(b and c)Activities will be conducted in California and in partner countries in Europe and the Middle East initially expanding to other countries of the globe in later years. The board members will be conducting the networking activities in addition to staff members of the corporation and volunteers from the community. Fundraising is planned to begin in January 2015.
We would like to encourage and emphasize the International volunteer projects and service-learning programs for colleges, universities, schools, campus ministries, civic groups, and service organizations seeking to expand their knowledge of the global community. Projects are available in the fields of health, housing, education and literacy, environment and conservation, and institutional programs for children and youth.
Volunteers are engaged in projects addressing topics like education, healthcare, conservation, journalism, sports, human rights, and archaeology.
Some field research projects around the world. Longer-term conservation projects emphasize protection of marine wildlife, the marine environment, and other aquatic habitats.
A) One-month to four-month service assignments aimed at promoting entrepreneurship around the world. The Corporation pays transportation costs and room and board for volunteers.
B) Volunteers aged 17-24 from around the world will be given the opportunity to work on teaching, sports coaching and community/environment projects in developing world communities, and conservation projects whenever available.
C) Volunteers from a variety of backgrounds will be placed to provide humanitarian aid in the form of technical assistance, training, and advocacy work such as tolerance, peace, and international awareness.
D) This category is designed to employ artist in assisting the host institution to communicate its message via the artist's art form—visual, performing, musical, etc.
E) Charity work in favor of children and youth from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds, care for people with special needs, environmental protection, restoration and conservation work, cultural events and festivities, all these are fields that will have participants from Europe and USA provide volunteer work to support these disadvantaged groups.
F) This category places mid-career nonprofit leaders with 3 to 10 years of experience from around the world at host organizations in the U.S. or Europe. This is a ten-month placement that could also include studying for an MA degree especially at Universities in Europe that provides this possibility. This is a one-year ( 10-months) fellowship where all the expenses are paid and fellows receive a modest living stipend and health care. All applicants are required to be fluent in English.
G) Promote social and economic development, empowers communities, and cultivates educated compassionate global citizens. Volunteers will be linked with community development projects, language classes, and local activities
H) Summer service-learning programs for college students and recent graduates in one of the MENA countries to encourage cross-cultural understanding between the United States and the Arab world while providing meaningful service to communities in the Middle East.
I) Uniting academic study for credit and volunteer service, and giving students a fully integrated study abroad experience. Both students and the host communities benefit from the substantial service each student gives by studying at a local university and serving 15-20 hours per week in a school, orphanage, health clinic, or other agency addressing human needs.
Summary plan 2015-2018:
Obviously as a new corporation the above listed activities are both for short term and long-term programs. Initially and during the first two years of the life of the corporation we will be focused on implementing programs that are short volunteer and training programs and mostly focused on socioeconomic sustainability, and environmental.
In the year 2015-2016 we plan to make available programs from the list above in section A-E Phase-one. Based on the success of these programs in the next two years 2017-2018 we will launch programs F-I and continue with renewal on the originally launched programs. By the end of 2018 we would have all the nine programs active and continue to improve and develop including branching within each of the categories. We plan to offer fellowships in the five categories A-E at an average cost of US$ 5,000-10,000 per participant (depending on the length of stay which ranges from two to four months). An allocation of US$ 500,000 for the first year should allow us an average or a range of grants 50 to 100 grants in all the five categories, i.e. 10 to 20 individuals will be funded in each of the five categories A-E.
Purposes are explained in the various categories A-E in explanation of section 1-a.
We hope to double our resources for the next physical year up to US$ 1,000,000 towards funding individuals who will participate in categories but with a broader range of fields of participation and with emphasis on projects for children, persons with special needs, and environmental projects. With the allocation of one million for grants for the year 2016 then we will be able to increase the number of individuals who will be benefiting form the civic engagement and global citizens projects. In 2016 the individuals participating will be 20-40 per each category, i.e. a total of 100-200 grants.
In the physical year 2017 we will be ready to launch the programs under categories F-I (phase-two) and at this point we hope to have a grant budget allocation of US$1.5-2 million which will enable us to start new cycles with the originally funded programs and launch the new ones with an initial 10-20 individuals in each of the four categories, i.e. a total of 40-80 individuals will be funded in phase two of the project in addition to the 100-200 under phase one. Total individuals receiving funds will be 40-80 Phase-one, and 100-200 in Phase-two. The total number of participants is 140-280 in all categories A-I will be funded in 2017.
Starting by physical year 2018 (Phase-three) we should branch in new categories.
In 2018 we hope to further develop to include International conferences, training workshops with 15-25 individuals, and consider funding small businesses on the global level that will promote quality life, equality, environmental, or volunteer training and a multiplier component.